We’re back LIVE for our second U.S. Election Night stream, bringing you the latest reaction and analysis from 5am-9am UK time …
The gurning runt is beginning to look less confident about Harris winning😂😂 The runt really despises democracy😂 Fast forward to 2028 and these fools will be bleating the same crapola when Vance wins😂
😂😂😂😂 sounds like an interview answer trying to spin a weaknesses
your wife Rory , did she receive $1 million from USAID to teach Afghan peasants about modernist art. ? Campbell ? a bully and sociopath who was the chief architect of the nasty politics we have in Britain today. Because of out of touch people like you we have Trumpism and a resurgence of nationalist politics today. Take some blame.
Pair of idiots. Enjoy four years of WINNING, losers!
"I hate the idea of being right pessimistically."
Well, then he should have said: "I hope Kemala will win". He said Trump would lose hoping to have some kind of effect on the result.
Still love going back to watch this again! Can't get enough of seeing the progressive liberals tanking 👌👌👌 😂
Rory Stewart and his wife are the two biggest posers and frauds on earth. I wouldn't trust his ass as far as I could kick it. He bet on Kamala, who couldn't string a sentence together and ran without a platform she couldn't define. Stewart can't see what Trump has accomplished in his first weeks in office because he's too busy worrying about where the money will come from for his wife's sham organization that is losing $1 million a year in funding for pretentious, pseudointellectual, artsy fartsy silliness in Afghanistan. Hey Rory, how much did your pissing contest with J.D. Vance go toward protecting that "Special Relationship" and its attendant American money you so separately covet. I guess you can pine over that with your America-hating colleagues at Harvard.
I don't have to watch. His prediction failed because he is stupid and out of touch. He's a sham, and always has been.
I think I was wrong because I’m an optimist….a sentence that is six words too long
Because he has an IQ of 110, not 130. Such a mediocre man.
It blows my mind how the democrats thought they were going to take Ohio,especially after there handling of East palastine train derailment
Was it a bad dream or did RS once hope to become leader of the Conservative Party? Imagine, we could have had 2 Labour parties competing for the most Far Left Batshit crazy position.
We could have ended with a Human tragedy to match those of the last Century?
Rory Stewart has been wrong all along and always will be. He is deluded.
Future my is it because of "racism"
Former leftie here: you Just Don't Get It. You are secure in your bubble. The minute I disagreed with the woke left in any way I became 'far right'. Whatever I think of Trump ( plenty) ordinary people realise the left has gone insane. Now you present the world with two options: deranged woke left and 'far right'. We are not allowed to be 'sensible centre' 'centre right' or even 'right wing' any more ! Please, please, go and talk to and listen to ordinary people. Your rigidity is the problem.
Losers, expect to the one guy who predict My President Trump will win!
you guys are literally wanting ww3 bc you hate trump…. guys. you are the problem here
the problem you guys have is you see half the population as bad,as those people….
rory lives in a bubble
Rory is such a dumb asss
These people are the haters, not Trump.
You two are pathetic in your reasons for trump winning it’s called democracy you did patronise people she was terrible did you actually analyse her speeches
“I’m not patronizing, I’m just an optimist” 😂😂😂
You're all patronising pr**ks Rory. Get it right
"Bad people win…" Too many "bad people" in the world prevent those twerps from being right. They're not "fundamentally wrong", of course – it's just the facts get constantly in the way. And spoil everything, including their ridiculous, pompous, unglued "analysis". What fun.