Investigative journalist Anthony Baxter travels between the US Presidential race and the Scottish countryside to chronicle the …
GO TRUMP! bft Black's for Trump
The elite are buying land at unprecedented amounts. Bill Gates is the largest farmland owner in Nebraska What's that about? People can now own water masses ? What's next , who owns the air ?
2:39 he knows what's going on and toying with them.
america had to chose between this guy and a communist. guess the end times are real after all
You lost election because you are the minority and America voted for him and now u loser can cry about it 😂
Truskiani. Bastardi GOLPISTI
Can we bring this to the attention of MSNBC?
Yeah he sure did tell people what they wanted to hear. 😳
Looks great! Where's the rest of it?
Well plenty of us pity ourselves "if he's President too"
Trump Jr. If Mr. Forbes can get that old tractor in operation Trump Jr. will give Mr. Forbes the Golf Course.
Well Mr. Forbes got it up and running, has Trump Jr. transfered the golf course to Mr. Forbes yet?
Trump Jr. Si el Sr. Forbes logra poner en funcionamiento ese viejo tractor, Trump Jr. le regalará el campo de golf.
Bueno, el Sr. Forbes ya puso en marcha su tractor. ¿Ya le dio Trump Jr. el campo de golf legalmente al Sr. Forbes?
Algo esta pasando con sus programas..pues a mi no me llegan las notificaciones
“Never trust Trump”
Has he made America great again yet? 😂
I pray to god almighty SCOTLAND dont turn your backs o. Your lifelong countrymen & women for the bennifit of a malignant narcissistic theiving liei g conartist like the trump family & their clan….just don't….he'll ruin one of the last known beautiful places left on earth…
Mr.ford .I truly adoro you and miss molly – love your responses to the pile of horse crap …but may i simply remind you kind sir – horse crap has more value than that cockroak trump
They just like those in Scotland ,were coned by a malignant narcissists lieing theiven conartist……..im sorry Scotland went threw hell Because of that disgusting family trump
She is bang on correct!!