Craig Nelson Ross Jr. was charged with first-degree kidnapping in the abduction case of 9-year-old Charlotte Sena, who …
Stranger, abductions are probably decreasing because nobody lets their kids go outside anymore.
The wife set this up and it backfired. INVESTIGATE HER NOW!!! the wife was gonna split the money with the suspect to fuel their coke habit and the husband flips the bill, thats why the girl wasn't raped or killed, it just didn't work out as planned.
So sad
Her parents should have not left her. Sorry , but this world is full of NUTJOBS.
Yeah the suspect tired to kidnap a boy by his house!
Can they describe how he Kidnapped her. Like did he have a car neaby and stuff her in there? Did he drag her off into the woods. Or what?
There are tactics that can be learned to use in an abduction. Kids should be taught to shove their arms and legs through the spokes on their bike tires. An abductor isn't going to be able to get the child and the bike into a vehicle. I saw a video years ago made by a cop who taught all kinds of things to do in an abduction. If put into a trunk, pull out the wires for the tail lights. They will get pulled over for that.
Wonder if she was screaming while she was in cabinet and then police found her.
If he was a mailman , she may have said morning, hi, like so so many people do, completely innocent, I do it, I say hi/morning to my post worker, what it is NOT is an invitation to stalk and kidnap a little girl.
He looks seriously mentally ill.
They were lucky this guy was not too smart left that fingerprint on the ransom note.
I hate having to look at that guy’s face 🤢
Until the parents come out and tell us about THEIR child
Quit talking about her
Move on.
She knew him or had seen him before so she probably was no worried
State Parks, and campgrounds are full of lunatics.
The parents need a slap. You NEVER let a 9 yr old out on her own. Not to mention lessons about talking to strangers.
special mention to
god –
for doing absolutely
zero / nought / narda
for bringing this child home safely.
phenomenal police work
brought this child home to her family and community.!
serve and protect.
She's 9, why not ask her these questions?
Yuck imagine being abducted by that creep..ughhh that poor girl i cant even begin to imagine wtf she is going thru..we cannot as parents allow our babies at any young age be alone its so true it only take a second to lose them.. thank godddddddd she is ALIVE AND HOME her parents must have been nuts..i have a 9 year old and i can't id fo fawkin crazyyyyyyy dude definitely wouldn't have come out on his own … losten anyone with kids you know what im saying for real we cannot allow these kids to even go outta eye site..you just never know..this shit makes me sickk
Charlottes family better keep Charlotte under there closeful watch because you can tell she's freespirited
I think there should be a way to for lack of a better word chip kids like we do for dogs but with some kind of gps tracker to know where they are at
I can just about guarantee that this abductor followed the family to the park which I think they said is 17 miles from the family's house.
The abductor has a house less than a mile from the family so he obviously followed the family and had a premeditated plan to snatch the girl when the opportunity presented itself.
They said in another video that the suspect has 3 kids of his own and has an 11 year old girl that he shares custody of.
It's possible that he took this girl thinking he would get ransom money and that is what he was after.
Regardless he still kidnapped an innocent child,but if the ransom was all he was after and he isn't a pedofile then hopefully the girl wasn't sexually abused in any way.
I am glad Charlotte is safe and back with her family.
I get goosebumps thinking about this kidnapping….I'm just so glad she is safe❤
One look at him and I run for the hills😩
Doesn't surprise me , that nowadays no one sees anything in real time. Everyone's noses are constantly in their phones 🤳
lots of unanswered questions
why did she go with him
why did he do it
where was she found
what do his kids think about what he did
these people r stupid he dont need no help from a 9 year old he knew wtf he was going to do and when and with who and she was dumb enough to trust him and go with him and u dont let your little girl go lone around the ride one more time by her self have someone with her this would not have happened if she did not go alone
Im sure not everyone in the campground knew each other as that woman states. This guy knew the family to leave a ransom note or its one of his sons.
0:04 1:11
if that little girl had on of those apple tag gps could have traced her faster https://youtu.be/ehv3zQAa9zM?si=wStfWz7YyO60c0LF
Wtf!!? you make news by just guessing if u don't have real information no need to make news or false headlines