Political parties in Parliament shared their views about the postponement of today’s Budget Speech. By two O’clock, when …
Yes ❤ one Eff marema
Viva GNU it is the way to go look at Eskom they destroy it now
We are suffering we must pay high bills sis 😅
It is very interesting that during the elections, some parties complained about the role of the IEC and the results thereof. Despite these there was haste in declaring the results and forming the GNU.
Now it is time for the Budget to be tabled, owing to reason not properly explicated, suddenly it is reasonable that we must understand the need for slowing down and postpone this important event.
At the rent office over charging us light and water
Give us grant increase money is toless cost of living is to high
Cost of living it's to high we need Gran increase
10 to 15yrs? You mean 30 + years
Gayton turned into one massive brown nose.
We need our own "Trump & musk " to clean house and set things in order… unfortunately the corruption and greed runs to deep with the lack of empathy for "the people"!!!!
Africa+ National+ Crisis = antichrist they think that they are GOD'S. 😮
This has exposed the our politics that no matter how our parliamentarians claim to be representing the will of the people ,they actually represent the will of their party and party lines ..this debates in parliament are a waste of time and pretending to the public..this is not about agreement of parties or not but should have been debated and decisions made thereafter
The ANC wasting moneyitd ANC fault
A MONUMENTAL SCAM: Citizens pay taxes for the government wage bill (i.e. people who cannot deliver basic services), debt service, and social grants.
They already threatened the president with the rand
How much was spent to sit for nothing!!
9:25 The decision that needs to be taken to stop supporting parties that are incompetent, corrupt or radical.
"We dont meed you America" – ANC😂 We dont have any trade surplus with any BRICS nations but we do with America and you want to destroy that as well. And you also signed NHI and EWC. ANC communist fools.
FF Plus, IFP and ADCP for the win.
Mzwanele mk is a big party u are weak vocal
Haha Mzwanele paraphrasing the CIC's argument #weak
What is the "MARKETS"?
This is a load of rubbish caused by this useless bloated cabinet of the GNU…
The only the way to fix this country is the same as its been for 20 years now. GET RID OF THE ANC. The GNU can't say that right now though. They gotta talk "diplomatically" while in the GNU. We all know the ANC wanted the 2% VAT increase. At least the other parties got it stopped. What next? Who knows. Get rid of the ANC and the country will improve almost immediately.
And now YOU'RE a Branch Manager,
and YOU'RE a Branch. Manager too, and you and you and you.
And EVERYONE is a Branch Manager. now.
What could possibly go wrong..?!?
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂The Mamparras Brigade in full force.
Eish, IFP my lord even they try to talk, it shows that ship has sunk long time ago.
nothing new , South Africa is a circus
Gayton thinks this is a church
No money waiting for donations
Al Jamaah a sellout
Evil stays in GNU😢
If you guys don't know where you are going ….any road will take you there…
Ha ha ha ha…..no budget because no more handouts from USA .Now they will try and steal more🤣😭
They dont know how to make money or build things that work. Only mismanagement is their skills. 😂😂
The day is coming when the South African taxpayers will have no money to give the government to even have a budget.
been said anc n ramaphosa are useless liars
Whole parlement in the tent awating in vane for the clowns to arrive
GNU house has lots of cracks
We are in deep sh.. is there no person in parlement with a degree seems to me we are lead by primery school children what the ????? Please mr Trump is there no way????
Please trump don't take only white people, take black people we are tired of this ANC corruption
Thank goodness they rejected the budget before it going to parliament. The EFF MK sbd others wanted to reject it now their thunder had been stolen😊😊
I wonder how many of the those wearing Camo's can run 1200m or have held and shot a rifle 😂😂😂. It's a slap in the face of real soldiers and real veterans.
Where is 99yr lease agreement
This stupidity is frustrating. Let the people go and fix the budget and come back to us. No use making noise.