As Donald Trump and his father faced a race discrimination suit against their company in the early 1970s, McCarthy-era lawyer …
Correction: Did put Cs on applications. Not allegedly. Everyone's too afraid to speak the truth now
Where was all this "Fight" when America neeed help in Vietnam in 1966?
What he learned the most was hot to always have your mouth open
we need a timeline full of things he done and play it everyday
I havent watched frontline since jessica sabitch died.
The art of deception
Genius strategy, play as dirty as government does
Revolting man
Now that I think about it Roy’s whole thing is like every addict I know. The lies, not admitting, blame of others. Not so admirable when you find out he liked to party and ended up a rich crack head.
Who’s here after watching the apprentice ?
Trump Wins!!!! Deal with it.
Ypung trump was cute ill say it im not surprised roy cohn was so keen on him
All you liberals attacking Roy Cohn sounds kind of anti-Semitic to me….
USAID funded propaganda. Defund PBS.
So what?
Human garbage beats human garbage.
Thx PBS for sharing these important facts!👍
Crazy thing is… it was a witchhunt and he did nothing wrong.
This is why mainstream media & docs like this from former respected news agencies are just looked at as only entertainment. PBS has also turned into the bacteria that excretes out of the devils c**t. Mainstream media is no friend to the ppl anymore, they are the enemy
Funny seeing people whose names will be forgotten soon after their demise talking in an extremely biased way painting a narrative . History will always be biased and the truth often gets lost along the way napoleon was considered average height but today we named a mental condition after him napoleon complex having to over compensate for lack of physical prowess. Completely ignoring the history of the man and his accomplishments .Trump who now at the time of me commenting has over come every obstacle put in his path and became president for a second time. He will have and has had many different narratives told about him as well. Take every thing with a grain of salt and believe none of what you read or hear and half of what you see let your opinions come from your own research and instincts.