Dave Holland Quintet Jazz sous les Pommiers (2009) (whole show) *** Dave Holland – Bass Robin Eubanks – Trombon Chris …
This 5tet was really something. It had its own distinctive sound, inspired soloists, a dream of a drummer.
Great Jazz Vibes…Masters !…
Typical Eubank boi. lol.
Serious, he play the rhythmic genius.
I saw this very same ensemble live several times in 2008-2009, Truly amazing chemistry and music.
And Dave is so simple solid
that fuker on vibraphone , he cant play , its ridiculous
Cette vidéo est un délice pour abolir le déferlement des bruits et des images du quotidien et entrouvrir l'espace d’un ailleurs où contingences et représentations cèdent la place à l'immatérialité du sensible. La puissance expressive de l'architecture sonore rompt ici avec toute forme de transcription du réel pour s'attacher à l'extension d'un univers fabuleux dans lequel la couleur et le rythme des compositions constituent une expiration qui donne voix à l'exaltation
Chris' solo in the first tune is out of this world.
Músicos increíbles, el día que hagan música que entienda todo el mundo va a ser la leche.
That trombone tone on "Last Minute Man"!
Chris Potter contributions to global warming is not to be underestimated
what a band it was!
Sure wish I was there!
Genius on full display!
Awsome! Good bless you.
I realize my comment has been made, but maybe…So, I love the energy Nate Smith brought to Holland's ensembles. Just great. Invigorating I think. Question: What is the story on that "truncated" bass? Never seen such a thing except in this video. Thanks.
What is the double beast that Dave is using? Whatamake?
So stoked to listen to this every time… What a kickass group, would have loved to be in the crowd that night obnoxiously head banging and going "MMM YEA" every 10 seconds
This band is ridiculous! Powerhouse
David Holland magnifica .usica y especial su Quintet archive
I saw a version of this group in 2000, at the Montreal Jazz Festival. I was nearly levitating above my chair: and the young Chris Potter was absolutely on fire ( even then). First time I had seen him, and I was awed. But the whole band of a force of nature
Nobody gives the side eye like Nate Smith. Mr. Intensity.
I can’t imagine there was a Time where Nate smith wasn’t a household name.
Saw this very same band in early 2008, twice in a row, amazing music and playing, met the musicians too, all really cool guys. Thanks for sharing.
Amazing concert ,fantastic musicians,.wonderfully recorded as well. I've been following Dave since 1971. He's stil lon top of his game!
Thanks for this beautiful video!!!
Superbe !!!
1:13:45 Sounds like 'News For Lulu'!
Awesome gig
23:30 so money
Dave Holland..great bass jazz