A couple’s first date ends with an ambush. Both are shot. Can the only survivor identify the shooter? “48 Hours” correspondent …
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As soon as he told the cops they were still together, I knew he was a psycho killer.
Why do the alway talk to the defense lawyer. They always say the same rhetoric.
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
Revelation 21:8!
TEXTED is not a word
Just look into his eyes.." the eyes are the window to the soul". Absolutely empty.😢 Speedy recovery Chris. Condolences to the young woman's loved ones. (Leslie).❤
You’d have to be so dumb to believe that guy’s story.
I wonder how he got away with that with no DNA whatsoever of his found anywhere.
God bless you Chris. God has you here for a reason
Thank goodness for friends like this lady
Why can’t he have his dog with him at his mother’s house??????? His dog never left his side and most likely kept him alive! Is it the mother who won’t let him keep his dog??? Would really like to know why he can’t have his dog. He had so many things ripped away, he should have his faithful dog by his side.
Yet another reason to not date!!!
40:17 That’s mama love right there
Moral to the story: be vetting who u r dating onna first date??? ! Ask many ques!
Illinois ca, blue states lame no punishment.
Guilty never testify.
Few if any, admit.
D P vitally needed in USA, swift and efficacious. Model UArab Emirites and Singapore!!! It works!!!
Motive, method, tarr.
His story incongruent. Tarr that is.
This was crazy crazy. You nevef know a fool s lurking!?? Play misty for me ….aargh!
Girls be careful who you date.
Chris your a trooper, most respect to you❣️💔😎💯😎💯👍🙏 You can do it one day at a time❣️❣️😎💯👍🙏🙏🙏
My opinion is guilty💯👀
Ugh lies on top of lies
Does this guy think anyone believes his nonsense.
Bobby is innocent…. no DNA anywhere…. Chris is lying about something and so is the girl that was murdered…. you do t just forget about going on a first date… there's more to the story than this….
All this nonsense about Prosecution Vs Defense and suspects can be wrongfully found guilty or innocent by the whims of the Jury.
Wow 😮
20:38, so he did know where farmersville is! 😂
I wonder why they gave that audience to Tarr, a pathological liar. The only good in it is that it teaches us that someone who sounds so truthful could be such a liar.
There's nothing good about guns.
Im so glad they Chris found love again.
Psycho 😢
What a miracle Cris is 🤍🤍🤍 I wish him the best. It's amazing how much he is trying to live his best life. I wish him and all his loved ones the best. 🙏
Sometimes it is easier to put someone in jail..and tell the family case is solved.With no evidence just guessing😂😂😂😂justice system like organize mafia😊😊😊😊
12:59 That was the most staged and fake "What?" I have seen. The whole reaction was so fake and so badly acted out that it made me laugh a little.
My heart breaks for Chris. He was just a guy out on a date, hoping for a connection, and now his life is irrevocably changed. Robert Tarr is a truly evil person. I hope he gets everything he deserves. May poor Leslie rest in peace.
That's how uk he did it you mean you have "untold things" that will prove your innocent why not just tell em ??!!🤔
My question is how did they not find the pistol the first time when they searched? Wasn't Bobby in jail? He had to of had help.
He looks innocent to me. No lies
It is insane. Evil is everywhere. Unforeseen things do befall a man.
What if it was the daughter
6th great Dvi d
I had a seizure, suddenly due to hyperthermia, I suffered a concussion and seizure. I can not remember what happened, it's like you can't settle because your missing chunk. Big or small. It's a real thing that most can't understand.