The latest on the search for a missing boy from Crystal Lake.
The latest on the search for a missing boy from Crystal Lake.
Babies dont deserve to die…. god…i hope those inmates have fun with those sorry ass pieces of shit.
Let me have just 5 minutes alone locked in a room with that bitch momma …
She hasnt earned the right to be called "mother"
at all
I believe this shit happened on mothers day as well im not 100% but im pretty sure or a couple days after
That is so fuckin sad. If they didnt love him why didnt they just have the state adopt him out? Ya kno.
I cant even stand to pop my baby on the butt cause shes screaming waiting for sponge bob to come back on tv after the long ass commercials..
The judges in McHenry County courts are also guilty for allowing the woman to get the boy back.
One of the judges opened the court building on a holiday weekend so his brother in law would not spend the long weekend in jail. The charges were DUI.
That fuck was the the judge of my divorce. He against the law continued to give legal counsel to my ex wife. At the end, they gave custody of my child to the ex. She remarry few weeks later with a convinced felon. He served years as a drug dealer, I served in Iraq. Fucking system.
This is heartbreaking. That poor little innocent boy.
The whole story is fishy as fuck
There are so many helicopters flying over our houses
Parents guilty as sin
Not looking good. Poor AJ ❤️