CTV News political analyst Eric Ham on the looming tariff threat that could take Canada-U.S. relations “to their lowest ebb.
These guys obviously know nothing about AMERICANS.
Stuff a sock in it
Murkins should be very, very afraid, indeed, and not just about tariffs. Thanks to their gullibility, ignorance, laziness, and sheer stupidity, their country is being appropriated by a criminal lunatic and the oligarchs.
Time to put the screws to Canada and not military protection
America is a toilet.
So you dug out another Trump hater. Big deal. He doesn't speak for Americans.
Hahahaha Americans are very afraid. 🤣
Time to turn off all we send to American
what does Canada have in strong supply? oil and gas ,raw resources-lots of land ,lots of coast lots of snow lol,Skilled labor force etc.We need to turn our abundant power to Canadian use and the lowest cost so Canadian industry can be as cost efficient as possible.All Canadian effort must be used to build pipelines ,refineries ,LNG plants and manufacturing value added products for export to anywhere but the USA .Our top trading partner just declared war and we need to treat them as an enemy period.
World Cup 2026:Canada/USA/Mexico
Just wait, it will be 341 million Americans, against the remaining 6.5 billion in the world!!! Great move Trump
Shut off the power today.
Given how much Americans are complaining about the price of eggs a,ready bc of the bird flu, sure would be nice if you had a neighbour who could send some huh…
this is fantasy.
Canada's not gonna back down
And so they should be. Boycott anything American. I would advise American tourists not to visit Scotland this year. I'm from Glasgow and I hope Americans in say Edinburgh face resentment. Stay away Americans, your not welcome!
Did you guys ever consider that Trudeau is the problem. He doesn't show alot of respect. Look at the India situation, how he handled that. This isn't one sided.
Down the pipe……whatcha been smoking.
Tariffs were always a common thing, what is all the whining about
He will bring americans into even bigger poverty, they asked for it
Canada cut off everything going to USA
Instead of addressing the issues, Canadians stupidly inflate the situation.
II think of this as a challenge, not a threat. We just need to stand up for ourselves, that is all.
USA has lost it's charm, I'm never going there again, ever
You have plenty of homeless and long food lines.
Canada just fix ur border
Stop fearmongering
Nobody can do anything to stop him what’s going on with the Congress?
This guy is a hack
Let's make our refinery and help Europe.
No were not scared, we're ready for change
I think the delay is Trump realized he just buried the United States and it’s no longer United. They’re gonna break up and separate and divide.
I think the delay is Trump realized he just buried the United States and it’s no longer United. They’re gonna break up and separate and divide.
Canadian here. I would give you my opinion, but right now I am too busy getting Trump’s knife out of my back to speak.
😂 eggs are up? Ain’t that why all those Americans voted for Trump, because of the cost of groceries. Lol, y’all got duped
We really aren't. We know this is necessary.
Canada’s dollar is too weak to survive a trade war! If anyone is running scared here,its Canada 🍁
We have states with larger economies than Canada. Do you not understand economics or are you just suicidal???
Canada is going yo join EU !!!
United States is unstoppable. No more free rides. Pay your fair share. Trudeau is a puss. Americans isn't afraid. You Canada better be afraid. Your economy is tanked as it is.
Canada is a clown world
Stock market is set up for the “Trump dump”
ALWAYS TRUMPS FAULT. Government Canada can do no wrong. Drugs and illegal aliens are the issue.