House Republicans are looking to pass a short-term funding bill to avoid a government shutdown by March 14. House Speaker …
Just like Kim Jong Un, he’s fat with his riches while 60 percent of the country can’t even eat. Let that be a lesson on what MAGA is trying to do, excluding equality laws but including white church nationalists into schools, overthrow the election, release of criminals who attacked on Jan 6, some are proud boys, history will repeat itself from those who failed to learn from it.
This guy's analysis aged like milk 😂No Democrats needed.
Oh please let it shut down and stay shut down like Chernobyl.. don’t pay another penny to anyone working on Capitol Hill. Ibrahim Torre for president of America effective immediate let’s vote.
Shut it down Democrats👍🏽👍🏼👍🏾👍🏿✊️✊🏽✊🏿✊🏼✊🏾
Oh Al Green. Sit down.
It is the republicans responsability. If they wanted democrats to vote for it, then put a few things in for the people and not the billionaires.
I hope the democrats will stand their ground.
Alligators climb trees. Some drop out of the trees – sometimes with a limb of that tree. The alligators in South Carolina did that . If you are over 60 then you cant run very fast.
Mike you fighting a losing battle. You Donny tell the Dem nothing you ASK them. Stop being disrespectful.
So Mikey, how does it feel to need?
Republicans are the majority so pass the dam budget yourselves.
Johnson and GOP are pushing to take everything away from the rest of us! Let’s take away their salaries and healthcare!!!!!!!
I thought Trump wanted the government to shut down. Isn't that what he has been doing? Come on Democrats!!! Do it for him!!!
This guy is a fluky
Shut it down! Sick and tired of democrats bailing them out.
Shut it down and make the republicans take responsibility for their actions.
Why the hell does Johnson need the Dems if they have the majority in everything and that so called mandate from the people?
Don't give them a time of the day! They are always making decisions without democrats.
Do they now!? Well, isn’t that something they need the Democrats for something.
I hope the democrats sit this one out.
Shut it down!!!!!
Shut the government down don’t get them what they want. They laid off all the government people anyway.
Maybe if he wasn't such a weasel Dems would work w him more
No nonono shut it down!!!!
Trump is not polite to anybody so why should we be the light to him Marjorie Taylor Greene and all the other ones hypocritical hypocritical
Impeach Johnson
I hope he has to do it without the Dems
The members of Congress need to take as much time as necessary to consider this bill,including weekends.,Mr. Trump's programs are noy what he promised.
Proud of Al Green
Grow some balls Democrats, shut it down! Stand up to the orange !
Impeach trump their already cutting everything but trumps paycheck we need Elon musk gone
Shut it down
Shut it down . Dont give Johnson, aka weasel, a thing…
Why isn't the supreme court being asked to jail the Maga/republican congress members as traitors to the rule of law, the constitution, democracy and the american people. They are supporting (by their votes) , enabling and in some cases propping up the criminal Trump Regime in a coup. A new Election needs to be called immediately.
You need. We go on as usual.
Hahaha🤡🕵️what are Democrats PREPARED TO DO!!!!!
so much liberal stupidity being posted here, but it is CBS should expect to see liberal idiocy
Democrats would be giving Trump a gift – Furloughed Government Employees that last longer than 30 calendar days or 22 workdays is required to use Reduction in Force (RIF) action – mass Government employee layoffs!