His family want him in prison 🤣 he's screwing up the little money that's left…at least with him out of the way,they can have a fire sale…if there's anything left…
The Government / Justice Dept. has been asleep for too long hence the reason for Trump committing so many crimes and causing so much trouble and obstruction, and also ruining the career of so many people, This is a Government that go overseas telling leaders of countries how to operate, but cannot throw this single lying criminal conman thief who should not qualify to run for the office let alone be the President for 4 years.
They (Ivanka ,& Jared,) finally grew some brains. I'm sure they don't want to leave their children without parents. It would be an ongoing crime to support DT. Good news.
Like father son informs his wife and her family to say his ass maybe he should go to jail or is the law like a circus here the make move one day to show America law is funny
SERIOUSLY . . . . in relation to the Trump fvcked up family . . . . WHO THE HELL CARES? Dirty Donnie is a totally different question – – – the man is EXTREMELY GUILTY OF TREASON. Period. If the DOJ finds wrongdoing which involves other family members them THEY TOO need to be tried for whatever THEY are accused of.
Of course Trump has a defense. Executive privilege. He was a former president. He’s white. It’s a witch hunt. He’s smart because he doesn’t pay taxes. Lol I’ve never seen someone so full of S. We are all paying the price for what law enforcement never did decades ago. Hold a criminal accountable. No it has become this how mess. I hope when he gets sentenced he cries like the B he is. I want to take all republicans as crying babies when they get caught.
Honestly don't understand why is this taking so long close this cases. Trump is mental just alone with what he did as President USA & in the White House was total disgrace this man was able to kill police officer did nothing to stop madness & fact entire 🌎 watch every minute this was happening. Now his running for President again after he killed & his guilty death of their family & Let's never forget Republican are as guilty as Trump as well they were as useless as Trump they also assisted said nothing yet we continue vote for worse party ever existed. This also includes Government from others states they to should be charged. Aww let's not forget his lawyer from NYC retired he also should be charged anyone that covered up his madness. Republican they look out rich rest of people they can careless selfish party all they want fill there own pockets. If this was anyone of us we be jail rest of our lives no doubt about that court's would had field day we sitting in Federal prison.
Jared is not a choir boy by any means even though he is trying to pull that thought off And I do not believe that the plastic fake Barbie has done No wrong….bs
I still say Melania is the FBI mole. I would never turn in my father but if I was married to such a stupid dink as Donald J for Jaskass Trump, I'd be on the phone with the FBI every day.
I wish I could have said that back when I worked as a state child welfare social worker when my boss wanted me to do some dumbass waste of time paperwork – I WILL NOT PARTAKE IN THIS.
This is so crazy. Is it 1955 or 2022 in America because I know for a fact if the real president Barack Obama had done half of what the fake so called president trump has done he would have been in jail by January 7 2020
Trump is going down along with other GQP insurrectionist MAGA. Smith can't get back from The Hague fast enough! Just in time for the holidays! 🎶 It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎶 Here comes Subpoena Claus!!
Trump is BEGGING her to come back
How sad lol
The more miserable Trump is the more happier I am.
Donald Trump is a broken man, due to self inflicktion.
I don't like speculation, it gets people hurt. I'll come back to your channel when you have facts on these people. 'til then, toodles.
Most of his supporters are on meth,or crack..so they will be there until the drugs run out….
His family want him in prison 🤣 he's screwing up the little money that's left…at least with him out of the way,they can have a fire sale…if there's anything left…
The Government / Justice Dept. has been asleep for too long hence the reason for Trump committing so many crimes and causing so much trouble and obstruction, and also ruining the career of so many people, This is a Government that go overseas telling leaders of countries how to operate, but cannot throw this single lying criminal conman thief who should not qualify to run for the office let alone be the President for 4 years.
Does he really think that they're going to ask him to partake in it? They're done asking, now they're telling you DT.
They (Ivanka ,& Jared,) finally grew some brains. I'm sure they don't want to leave their children without parents. It would be an ongoing crime to support DT. Good news.
Like father son informs his wife and her family to say his ass maybe he should go to jail or is the law like a circus here the make move one day to show America law is funny
Yo; there is there,there. Trump is toast.
Oh Kushy, what a man, NOT !
I knew Trump was in trouble the moment he decided to run for president! All his dirty laundry would all come out eventually
No body knows like 😎 domino's not dummy knows.
Trump will call up the Proud boys and the Oathkeepers to storm the White house and rescue him. Well that's trumps dream.
Promises Promises
I so glad they are stressing him out, maybe it will cause him to have massive heart attack,
Let him get his just desserts 🍨
They have children and a future to be very concerned with. I would not be surprised if she sold that gross pile of shit for a nickel.
Ivankkka also lost her whole clothing line at macys
SERIOUSLY . . . . in relation to the Trump fvcked up family . . . . WHO THE HELL CARES? Dirty Donnie is a totally different question – – – the man is EXTREMELY GUILTY OF TREASON. Period.
If the DOJ finds wrongdoing which involves other family members them THEY TOO need to be tried for whatever THEY are accused of.
Of course Trump has a defense. Executive privilege. He was a former president. He’s white. It’s a witch hunt. He’s smart because he doesn’t pay taxes. Lol I’ve never seen someone so full of S. We are all paying the price for what law enforcement never did decades ago. Hold a criminal accountable. No it has become this how mess. I hope when he gets sentenced he cries like the B he is. I want to take all republicans as crying babies when they get caught.
More than a maniac is he . Investigation take too long without a charge.
When will garland change them republicans in congress that help trump to take over our government
Honestly don't understand why is this taking so long close this cases. Trump is mental just alone with what he did as President USA & in the White House was total disgrace this man was able to kill police officer did nothing to stop madness & fact entire 🌎 watch every minute this was happening. Now his running for President again after he killed & his guilty death of their family & Let's never forget Republican are as guilty as Trump as well they were as useless as Trump they also assisted said nothing yet we continue vote for worse party ever existed. This also includes Government from others states they to should be charged. Aww let's not forget his lawyer from NYC retired he also should be charged anyone that covered up his madness. Republican they look out rich rest of people they can careless selfish party all they want fill there own pockets. If this was anyone of us we be jail rest of our lives no doubt about that court's would had field day we sitting in Federal prison.
Do you think he will flee or do his best to flee the country?
Jared is not a choir boy by any means even though he is trying to pull that thought off And I do not believe that the plastic fake Barbie has done No wrong….bs
Dumpty can whine and cry but he will pay !!!!!!
But he had Cannon appoint a Special Prosecutor, now the shoe on the other foot and he doesn't want one appointed by DOJ! LOL
I still say Melania is the FBI mole. I would never turn in my father but if I was married to such a stupid dink as Donald J for Jaskass Trump, I'd be on the phone with the FBI every day.
I wish I could have said that back when I worked as a state child welfare social worker when my boss wanted me to do some dumbass waste of time paperwork – I WILL NOT PARTAKE IN THIS.
I adore Jimmy Stewart.
This is so crazy. Is it 1955 or 2022 in America because I know for a fact if the real president Barack Obama had done half of what the fake so called president trump has done he would have been in jail by January 7 2020
T is in peril, not because they are catching up to him, but because of his deeds, past, present, and what he says he’s aspiring to in the future.
Trump is going down along with other GQP insurrectionist MAGA. Smith can't get back from The Hague fast enough! Just in time for the holidays! 🎶 It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas 🎶 Here comes Subpoena Claus!!
Marjorie Taylor green is the Devil of wachington 🤮she Wil get karma to like that orange man 🤮
I love it ! trump got whatever he wanted out of his minions; now that they got what they wanted out of him, it's good by Chump….karma at it's best