https://ksltv.com/458756/utah-jazz-charter-flight-forced-to-land-after-hitting-birds/? Officials with the Salt Lake City International …
Sharks machines 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈👠
Its a sign that they are destined to meet Memphis in the 1st round play off
Glad the engeneers mad the engine ready for this.
Should’ve kept flying tbh
And they want you to believe two planes went through the world trade centers. But had to land from a bird
God bless the pilots 🙏🏽
Perhaps new technology that would identify the location of flocks in real time giving the pilots a better chance to avoid the flocks, doppler radar or something similar on board the aircraft or redesign the appearance of the aircraft to look like cats rather than other birds. But more needs to be done !
they need to know how to parachute.
Reports say it was a very very large Pelican named Zion. The Jazz will do anything to win.
Did they hit Larry or Jabari? All seriousness though glad they are safe!
They still made it to Memphis and beat the Grizzlies! 😬😬
Not pleasant but almost routine for an airplane crew. Congratulations to flight crew members
We almost lost the entire Utah Jazz to an ANGRY PELICAN can. That bird flew all the way from NEW ORLEANS to try to keep the Jazz from winning this year's NBA championship. What's next guys? Will the NFL Chicago BEARS try to EAT the Milwaukee BUCKS? Play fair guys….
I hope they all packed extra underwear.
Omg what would happen IF. Thanks God.
Scary 😢😢😢
Thank god anyone on the team is safe
What about the bird? Why isn't there any news on the bird?
This feels like a bad omen
Idol jc.thnx god.ur safe
Thanks God for safety of this team
Utah = increase corona sports