Harry Cole and Mike Graham discussed the impact of Rupert Lowe and Nigel Farage on Reform UK, noting divided opinions and …
Hate to break it to you CLOWNS, you bailed out the bankers (TORIES) and it's been a shitshow ever since, it's little to do with a recently elected Labour Party. These issues have been with us 15 years.
"Mike Radio"……
That "man" certainly has a face for radio ………….. Porcine MORON.
Men who drink Rose are HIGHLY suspect…..
The last time I heard of this infighting…it was Labour plus the Cons.
Nutters and fruitcakes. More bonkers than the loony left.
Rupert Lowe starts talking about our interests and how labour are clearly racist to whites and all of a sudden some trumped up fake charges are produced against him? 🤔
Leftist pussies supporting farage talking about “believing his own hype”. That’s exactly what farage has done his whole career
Vote reform uk ,give Starmer and Labour government a massive headache.
Howerd, Ben, David and now Rupert! The list is growing. With the CC elections coming up I smell the hand of Hope not Hate.
And now that the US is aligned with Russia, when are we going to place cyrillic alphabet in schools?
How do you know you can trust Nigel. In my opinion I think he is a weak leader. I prefer Rupert Lowe.
Farage the ego destroyed ukip now reform he has a Tory as chairman what could go wrong .
Britain are afraid of being invaded meanwhile invading almost all of countries in the world , its karma britain will fall soon
Even scottish , welsh ,irish people dont consider themselves as british
Harry sounds identical to Eddie Izzard ,even his speech patterns and cadence is the same
They have sold out to the left .
Woke Farage is using dirty smear tactics.
Lowe states an opinion and is now accused of bullying.
Nige is the one to lead reform to success, would be preferable to keep Lowe in a key position though
I suspected that reform was made of the same type of ambitious politicians seeking lucrative positions within the corrupt political system they really are ALL the same. We do not live in a democracy because your vote only replaces one tribe of corrupt politicians with another of the same. I am a proud non voter and more and more have seen the light. If there is a low turn out next election they will make it compulsory like some nations have done in the process taken away your right to protest a corrupt system.
It’s getting better all the time, carry on guys 🎶
This DEI is the most dangerous movement in the UK
We need reform to unite
Don't believe it he is too popular
Rupert for leader 💯
Nigel is a fence sitter we want Lowe
Get rid of Rupert he will only damage party. NIGEL and Reform all the way
This happens when a party is a business .
Maybe they should have aome sort of structure .
Ya'know , like a politacal party needs
I like Rupert Lowe, a lot of what he says is bang on and he is a powerful speaker, but that on its own doesn't mean he is right to lead the party, the leader needs to have mass appeal and in that regard no one can touch Farage, he is a household name.
It would be a shame to see Rupert leave Reform because he is a great asset, as was Ben Habib. These are the sorts of people you need on board for it to succeed.
What a lot of lies …
Reform would be nowhere without Farage…if Lowe cant handle.resign and start his own party
The BBC is currently spending £1,000,000 of taxpayers money on replacing white staff with black ones.
This is blatant anti-white racism – but because the Woke Establishment agrees with it, it continues apace.
Rupert is RIGHT!
Nigel must step down as leader
The labour &rest will b loving this ,there need to b every1 pushing in the same direction for the benefit of the british people not all this in fighting
Defund the government stop paying tax
They can't put us all in prison
Rachel reeves is incompetent
Labour are evil, Starmer is a traitor
God bless Elon Musk
God bless Trump
I support militant action by the farmers
Fantastic discussion
Excellent analysis Henry
Thank you Sir
Well said!!
I always love listening to you Mike
Thank You Gentlemen
Love Talk TV!! Great show!!
Nigel for priminister. If Ruppert lowe became leader .I would withdraw my membership and not vote reform. So Ruppert better shut up and do what he is paid to do..
I joined Reform because of Nigel Farage. If Lowe won't conform, Boot him out. Reform must be aware of establishment backed infiltration. Be very aware, these unelected globalists will not release their grip on power without an almighty struggle. Reform has to stay strong and on track.
Suddenly the membership ticker has slowed down, I wonder why!!!!
There isn't civil war at all it clowns like you who try and divide them.
It's galling to see a party which claimed to represent the people falling out through ego. A very right wing characteristic. The strength of the left has always been unity and on the occasions they have had in fighting it has been disastrous. If you truly wish to represent the people then egos must be subordinate to the good of the movement.
Since when is a difference of opinion and a call to the leader of your party to get policy sorted in a timely manner a "civil war" in the reform party?