Why isn’t Tony Fauci in prison? You’ll wonder after you watch “Thank You, Dr. Fauci,” now out on TCN. Jenner Furst made the …
Why isn’t Tony Fauci in prison? You’ll wonder after you watch “Thank You, Dr. Fauci,” now out on TCN. Jenner Furst made the documentary. Even if you think you know a lot, this is an amazing conversation. Watch the documentary here: https://tuckercarlson.com/fauci
Tucker–剛才馬斯克官宣了他和女員工的第4個孩子,原來在這幾天,他一直傳來圖片,上面的文字是I choose you.是這個意思,還有最近還感應到他的女員工女友善意還看到她的畫面,原來兩人早就說好要做這些事了。❤Angel
I'm not vaccinated for c-19. And I haven't had covid,ONCE….. I dunno,I might be an alien,who lives in Scandinavia….. 👽🛸👽
Un grupo de los militares que participaron en los juegos olimpicos militares de WUHAN en noviembre de 2019 fueron los que introdujeron el virus en el mercado con el objetivo de desestabilizar China. ¿por qué esa fecha? porque habia la oportunidad y la razon es que el mes anterior, empezó la mayor MONETIZACION de bonos norteamericano por parte de la FED que nadie queria a razon de 120,000 millones al MES. Fue el inicio del fin de la economia norteamericana y era urgente hacer algo con China. Que no sorprenda que fueron las mismas fuerzas que sabotearon el Nord Stream.
Here we are now with bird flu… 😢
St. Michael defend us in battle. "Who is like God?"
Is there a single case of a total pure blood suffering 'long covid'?
China wuhan now discovered a new bat to human contagious HKU5-CV2 … stocks went up of same jab companies just as Bobby Kennedy takes over… another planned Event
Why didn’t they cancel those military games? Because that was the plan…
Scary that Fauci has tried for years to move bird flu to humans ….
I knew about it… not in very detail… but less and more…!!!
Experience is the Best Teacher…!!!
I guess the documentary got taken down. 😡
I have seen reports that people in Florida were testing what was in the weird fogs descending on communities across the nation. What they found was a deadly bacteria strain, Serratia Marcescens. The DOD runs the Chemtrails program. What if this is how they will cause the bird flu pandemic???? These people are evil incarnate.
Side note we don't use only 10% of our brain that's dumb bullshit.
So somebody pumped a bunch of money into a cancer drug that didn't work and needed a payout so we got 2020
Mission Impossible II
Oopps Ethan Hunt what happened? Dr A Fauci won
The S spike from the h.i.v. virus is what they used to link the covid virus to humans. Before covid leaped to humans, it was only a ball without the S spike protein. They figured out how to fuse the S spike protein to the ball virus of covid, and that's how they made the breakthrough.
IN THE THOUSANDS!!!??? Y'all gonna need a bigger deck of cards!!! Suggestion….. just use the 1989 Upper Deck Baseball Card Collection. Fauci can be the Ken Griffey Jr. Card!!
On Q ANON they showed you pictures of army trucks with covid 19 on the back!! Wakey Wakey
Let’s not forget who also was tied to the AIDS pandemic ??
Toen vertelde ik u over mijn fouten, ik zweeg niet langer over mijn schuld. Ik zei eerlijk wat niet goed was, en u hebt me alles vergeven.
Psalm 32:5
Try August 2019. The first strain was to weak to do the damage they wanted and was a simple persistent dry cough that lasted upwards of a month. What came later was the desired result.
And what if organisations like Australian’s TGA? They never second guessed America’s “science” and still don’t! Incompetent at the very least surely? Malfeasant in my view. Certainly criminal.
All new viruses come from labs. Human have encountered everything natural over the last 5000 yrs there is nothing new occuring naturally it's only with humans experimenting that nee viruses arise
Politics is the art of division.
Our liquor stores NEVER closed nor did Walmart
My husband was the sickest I had ever seen him Nov of 2019 he couldn't get off the couch. He doesn't get many colds. He always works through sickness but not this one. I was truly worried about him.
If the bird flu was natural, it would have ran it course by now. The fact that it’s still around abc bus they are finding it in cows, it’s because it’s coming from a bio lab.
My husband had Covid in October of 2019 and the doctor in the emergency room, at first thought that he had tuberculosis, which I knew that he didn’t have. The doctor in the ER decided to treat him as an pneumonia case and then he was admitted to the hospital. My husband was given antibiotics and within a week he recovered and the test results for tuberculosis came back negative. I then got sick with Covid in February of 2020 and I recovered at home with a zpack and Tylenols. When Covid came out in March or April of 2020, I remember telling my husband that he must have had Covid in 2019 and explains why the doctor could not figure out what he had. I truly believe that had patients been treated with Covid as having pneumonia , that many people would have survived. The way that patients were treated was the reason that many peoples immune system compromised their health and is why many had died. Shutting down the country was a big mistake and trying to force the vaccine on people that did not want it was wrong! No one should be forced to wear a mask it’s horrible and it does not work.
Unleash the waterboarders on fauci and company.
Covid 19 was the biggest terrorist attack in the history of humanity. Trump and his agenda were the main target but millions died.
Fauci AND Hunter gotta get out of jail card from Biden…
Most evil man on earth! Worse than Hitler and Mengala combined.
When will people wake up to the idea of "educated" doesn't mean intelligent, wise, or "better" than the rest of us. Higher education is the problem.
My healthy, active, happy life has been DESTROYED by the Covid Virus, Moderna Vaccine, and Long Covid. Fauci and all involved need to be held accountable.
34:00 A lady in our office flew from Paris, to London, to New York, to where we were in february 2019, and she was sick when she got back, and then like a week after she got back France shut down that airport. And I sat a couple desks away from her, and I remember being very mildly sick a couple weeks after she got back. Before the lockdowns even started happening here.
One of the first things Obama did when he got into office was to legally divorced himself from any responsibility for the things he does while in office! If that doesn't give you cause for alarm nothing will😢
So I guess that makes sense why they had a hundred million people moved into our country probably they didn't have the vaccine so they would be immune to the next wave???😢😮
Bill gates,fauci,members of cdc owned
Gates also had a test kit😮
It’s sickening that YouTube won’t allow you to show the discussion on the vaccine. It truly disgusts me.
Now we know why Biden pardoned fauci, but the TRUTH will come out and hopefully his world will change and he will still begin to live the life of an EVIL, instrument of death for the rest of his time on the earth! And for ALL TIME FOREVER! He will have the worst of Hell unending, everlasting!
Jenner is coret,Inteligent man
Sick that YouTube censors any talk about the covid vaccine, making TNC cut out the part I wanted to see the most.
Tucker, have you interviewed Dr. David Martin?
Thanks Tucker for talking with people who tell us the truth!
They found one of their labs in LA or San Francisco in an abandoned building and the news never reported on them.
That is scary 😮