Nobody at abc fake news cares about the exploited alien children sold into sex slavery under Skamala Hairyass Bureau of Children's Justice as border czar.
how about all the ones the republicans "lost" from the ice cages. hundreds of thousands it reached. just gone. betsy devos was all over it. a reporter filmed and uploaded video of them loading kids into unmarked cars in the dead of night with blankets over their heads to conceal identity. then that reporter followed them and recorded rhem being loaded into again "unmarked" trucks.
now im just throwing in a coincidence betsy devos husband ran an adoption agency didnt he? could they possibly be eugenicists?
Our Government is sick and corrupt as fuck from the top down. Trump needs to fire everyone.. Or we the people need to stand up and say let us run out country.. We dont need people easily corrupted in charge of our lives
Also coincidence that the Clinton foundation was caught trafficking children out of Haiti… Also why did the Lawyer they hired to defend there employee that was trafficking these children caught months layer in South America for pedophilia and child trafficking… Why are they connected to every high profile pedophile/ child trafficers????
Exactly why the first thing Biden did when he rigged the election was opening the Borders…. Exactly why Trump had closed them to make it much harder to traffic our children… Also why Biden family has a island right next to Epstein Island I think not
Since when and for how long? Why are grown adults sending children alone anywhere? Mexico should be brought to consequences, for trafficking, neglect and abandonment of their most vulnerable! As if their politicians and communities don't know what's going on! 85,000 is way too much to have happened in just a year!
I've heard 125,000 from many other news stations. Many independent journalists have reported this over the last few years. Congratulations Lefties. People tried to tell you and you said it was conspiracy. The main stream news you watch kept it all silent.
A year later any news?
This is beyond disturbing.
Nobody at abc fake news cares about the exploited alien children sold into sex slavery under Skamala Hairyass Bureau of Children's Justice as border czar.
how about all the ones the republicans "lost" from the ice cages. hundreds of thousands it reached. just gone.
betsy devos was all over it.
a reporter filmed and uploaded video of them loading kids into unmarked cars in the dead of night with blankets over their heads to conceal identity. then that reporter followed them and recorded rhem being loaded into again "unmarked" trucks.
now im just throwing in a coincidence betsy devos husband ran an adoption agency didnt he?
could they possibly be eugenicists?
And did you all do anything. No but Trump is lol
Can we have a follow up on the missing children Fox News reported a few days ago.
Our Government is sick and corrupt as fuck from the top down. Trump needs to fire everyone.. Or we the people need to stand up and say let us run out country.. We dont need people easily corrupted in charge of our lives
Also coincidence that the Clinton foundation was caught trafficking children out of Haiti… Also why did the Lawyer they hired to defend there employee that was trafficking these children caught months layer in South America for pedophilia and child trafficking… Why are they connected to every high profile pedophile/ child trafficers????
Exactly why the first thing Biden did when he rigged the election was opening the Borders…. Exactly why Trump had closed them to make it much harder to traffic our children… Also why Biden family has a island right next to Epstein Island I think not
Jesus is King 👑
Democrats will only complain about this if a Republican is in charge.
Help find the missing children
The president knows and ignores anything asked about it. He sold us out and probably sold them too.
A year later it's now over 300,000 missing children….thanks to Biden
Since when and for how long? Why are grown adults sending children alone anywhere? Mexico should be brought to consequences, for trafficking, neglect and abandonment of their most vulnerable! As if their politicians and communities don't know what's going on! 85,000 is way too much to have happened in just a year!
I got names 🎥
Amerca buys the most child porn abd Maga states have the highest rates of child molested…Those kids better off getting trafficed by cartel
Shouldn't this be the most important news in the country?
I've heard 125,000 from many other news stations. Many independent journalists have reported this over the last few years.
Congratulations Lefties. People tried to tell you and you said it was conspiracy. The main stream news you watch kept it all silent.