These cold cases have an unusual written clue that could be the key to solving them. Check out Part 1: …
As of now since 2021, Beth Doe was Identified as Evelyn Colon
Just say a black man!!! If they're American they ain't African!!!
I love your voice! It makes the videos so good. Your channel has stood the test of time, and I will always love this channel as long as it’s around! ❤
1:17 looks more like 906'tze or gob'tze to me
That Green style car in the case of John was similar to a serial killers car.
G hyg bĥhĥĥ
YOG'TZE is obviously 627,906 attempted to be written upside down (European 7 and decimal point).
WTF…Research? testicles in a jar in your house is research!
When I was 15 some guy asked if I needed a ride home at night. He tried to put his hands down my pants and show me porn. Thank God he chickened out and dropped me off. I made sure to lie about where I lived. This was Alexandria Virginia 2000. Red suv
The Rachael Runyan case baffles me. I live less than 5 minutes away from the Sunset border, I went to Sunset Jr High a few blocks away from Rachael Runyan Park before it was renamed after her, and my dad lived in Roy, which is right next to Sunset at the time of her abduction and murder. He told me he still remembers where he was when he heard they found her body. Sunset really is a small city, especially back in the 1980s. The thing is, Utah has a higher population of hispanics than blacks, and Justin Runyan has said that he believes it was actually a hispanic man, not an African-American like he said back when she was abducted. You must remember this is a kid who was 5 at the time. I didn't know my races and ethnicities at that age, even though I grew up around people that weren't white like me. He probably saw a man with dark skin and misidentified him as black. If he was black, they would've found that man almost immediately. If he was hispanic, that would've been much harder. Then the sketch doesn't look much like a hispanic, but Justin has always said the sketch never looked right to him. I can't imagine being him. The survivors guilt would be intense for him, and i feel for him. I bet that killer is long dead by now, but i hope they don't ever stop looking for answers.
Making sloppy joes? What on earth are they – I'm British so it's gotta be an American thing??? I shall Google after the video but i do like to ask real people most of the time to get real answers if that makes sense 😮
It's numbers upside down its either 0 or 6 27,906
I love that at the 2:50 mark you used a picture from the Karma Police video by Radiohead. So awesome! Also your channel is amazing. Keep up the great work!
Who was the guy running away from stalls car ?
That Acker guy was a complete creep. "Detective" my ass…
The ME and hall monitor were fucking gross too.
Just ew..
I just suggested a case. It's the murder of my friend, Lindsay Ellixson. I've never seen anyone do a video about it.
upside down cross, and 666 don't correlate.. he's mad dumb
Beth Doe has been solved:
that note reads GOATSE
Lol a "psycologist said its possible", im not a psycologist and even i couldve made that assertion 😁
So sad about all these cases. Must be very hard to be a relative of these people.
It looks like it was written upside down so if you flip it around it gives you these numbers 627,906
She did a terrible job to ruin cases and collected testicles.