In 2009, police used a computer generated image of Madeleine McCann’s age progression in hope of finding her.
Claire Debono is right… you talk total bullS*** put yourself in the McCanns shoes……… what if your little daughter or son got abducted. How do you think you would feel huh???Im so sick of people saying they are guilty of this and that. LEAVE THEM ALONE. KATE AND GERRY WOULD NOT and I emphasise would not KILL OR HURT their beloved child. I believe in my heart they are 100% innocent IT WAS ABDUCTION.
She was killed of suffocation by a man who pushed a pillow on her face while she was in a bed in a house that the man stopped at on his drive away from the motel that he snatched her from,then he buried her in a field not that far of a drive back from the house he stopped at.And you will believe me If you watch "Madeline McCann haunting evidence part 4/5 and 5/5..
Omg when did that happen that is so sad I hope they find her soon poor little girl I hope then find her
And you are an ignorant individual with a low level of intelligence, and very little education. Otherwise you would know that even psychiatrists do not 'diagnose' sociopaths unless they spend a certain amount of time in their (REAL) presence. And you would realise that many parents in RECENT history were similarly judged, only to havae been found completely innocent – beyond a shadow of doubt. Until YOU lose a child in this way- STOP telling others 'how' they should behave.
Check this video out : Clarence Mitchell: "Kate does cry" – full
i have seen them cry in interviews before so youre clearly wrong
Do you expect them to cry and be sad all the time? they have to adjust though!
Absolutely now. I remember when this happened and have seen it in the news through out the years. They don't seem sincere at all. Keep in mind it's not the first time people have killed their own children. I'm not trying to be a troll I'm just telling it how I see it.
Your words are utter bullshit!
Show now signs of emotion. That's ridiculous. Their daughter has been missing for 5 years and they've shown little to no sign of emotion. Any real parent would have broken down in tears just thinking about where their child could be but not them.
This is not the first time a parent has does something to their child and claimed it was someone else. One thing to spot is the 'leak' of a smile the Kate Mccan let's out during questioning.
And you need to do some research as well. Her parents were advised by a criminal psychologist not to express emotion during interviews. If they do, the person who caught Madeleine might be watching the TV and finding it enjoyable to make parents cry.
It sounds horrible to hear but there are sick people out there who find something this twisted enjoyable. That's why they had to keep straight faces.
I remember hearing on the news what happened when she was kidnapped in 2007. I was 8. I am now 13. I hope this poor girl is live and well. And that we find her.
That's hardly something that needs any thought going into it .. so what if she can't speak English, seems a rather trivial concern.
i telll u one think people people have not even forth she wnt no any english if she still she will speak portuguess
Dumped by her Parents, They Over dosed her, read the evidence.
Her parent's are involved in her disappearance. Every single interview shows signs of lying. The smirks and slight giggle during certain questions, the stone cold faces showing no sign of emotion. These people are clearly hiding something dark if you watch a few interview you'll see she shows no sign of distraught and never comes close to crying like any normal parent would having lost a child..
from palestine .. hope she still alive and safe