The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has released age progression photos of the Skelton brothers. Andrew …
That father is full of crap he knows exactly what has happened. I don't understand why his mother and sister thinks is so funny either. They should be in jail as well. Did he do a polygraph ever. Total BS
I wonder if the mother had something to do with this ??
Torcher , nuts in a vice till he admits he killed them.
Did police go back to the place where the last ping from his phone was? Also did they take a cadaver dog to where the baseball was left sitting on the stump???? Surely a TV station could come up with enough money to hire a CADAVER DOG and handler. I know they searched that area before but a dog trained to find drugs won't find human remains. I am in Australia so I wouldn't know who to get in touch with in America my gut tells me Skelton is biding his time in jail, he didn't even turn up for his parole hearing because he is laying low keeping a low profile. Because a 15 year sentence is a lot better than a life sentence without parole for first-degree MURDER. This case is so sad. Me and my children survived a psychopath husband/father many years ago and this story is very chilling to me.
John Skelton should be charged with murder now it is obvious he did that to torture their mother. If I was on his jury he would most certainly be found GUILTY!!!!!
What about the 3 skeletons found in the shed? Did they turn out to belong to the boys?
John Skelton is a good candidate for a little dose of waterboarding!
It's sad that this mother & father act so unemotional about 3 baby's of their own missing.🙄🤔
This story seems fishy to me.
I would be hysterical & totally lost & broken.
Wow this is a 😔 case 3 children 😱
If the law would stop babying this monster and put him in general population at the state prison in Jackson, he would give up the location of those boys bodies really fast.
I feel bad for the boys. They must have been so scared and miss their mom. I can’t imagine.
He is a true psychopath! Isn't it funny how he knew the remains that were found weren't the boys? Because he knows what he did with them. Too bad they didn't let some tough dudes in prison get ahold of him. He will never tell, why not have him prove it like doomsday witch who killed her babies and said they were safe, or charge him with murder. He'd be convicted. Everyone with a brain knows that he is guilty! No Safe Haven, underground group would continue to hide them based on all the news nor his B.S. allegations that they were sexually abused by mom! The world is getting so bad when people are killing their own precious babies!
In Canada with the Amish just think they dont need social I'd they have classes at home work from at home.
Check Amish
Why don't they contact Nancy Weber she is a psychic who has successfully worked with the police.
They my cousins keep hope plz
How can someone will be so evil and cruel to hate a woman who gave him those 3 beautiful boys deny her the closure or the return of her sons. It is beyond belief that this man has so much hate that he can't give everyone peace, I look at the photos of them and surely if someone has them give them back.If they have been murdered have the decency to let their mother have some peace.This man is evil beyond belief.
And Good for him being denied parole! He needs to stay there even if it's on the grounds of child neglect. To give your child over to someone and not know them or where they would take them IS insane and neglect. Period.
I'm really digging in this case☠️
Palki Sharma
Can't believe it been 10 years.i remember when it happened.