Rory and Alastair break down the fortunes of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg. Tune into the full episode as they …
Rory Srewart must be the most unlikable bellend in history
It’s not inequality they are just smarter than a lot of people, your low key jealousy does not mean the should be taxed more
They are not the wealthiest, you do know Elon does not own 100 percent of his company right lol
1) That wealth is paper wealth.
2) That paper wealth does not reduce other people’s wealth and ability to feed themselves, etc.
He looks like macron's wife in her early years
Already bored of talking about it. Wake me up when shit hits the fan
Watching this guy and his leftie buddies freak out on 11/5 was hilarious.
No one needs a billion dollars
I think it’s easy to hate on someone for being wealthy but people don’t realize that their worth is a fictional number that rises and falls every minute based on information. It’s not real until it’s sold and taxed. He has stocks and those stocks are not worth anything unless someone flashes some cash and offers to buy them. Whatever that offer is makes up the fictional value of all his other stocks even if there isn’t enough people to buy them all. if one stock sells for $1,000 that’s fine but if he wanted to sell 60 million shares those stocks would be worth $50 each because there is not enough people to buy them. So their wealth is based on a fictional value that we create by offering to buy just 1 share which updates the value of all his other shares not for sale. It’s not real, it would take him 50 years to sell all his shares and not tank the stock because flooding the market with shares for sale would devalue them. They dont have access to that wealth and it’s not actually real. The bottom 50% have real money that’s liquid and not based on fiction.
I could offer 1 million for 1 share, that doesn’t make him all of a sudden a trillionair.
Only in the paper
Their wealth is not in a bank gathering interest. Their wealth is employing tens of thousands directly and maybe millions indirectly. Their wealth also started from 0, and we all saw it, 20 or 30 years ago when they started from nothing. It is their level of service, innovation, and the quality of their products that made them wealthy. They know more about business development, capital allocation, and services, than 99% of the US population. And they have learned it on the job. We need more people like them, and sequestration of their gains is nothing more than an advertisement that as soon as you are successful, the government will come and drain you.
A couple of vile bastards..
Just want to say, Elon is not as rich as he used to be. People are Dumping Tesla shares left and right; it's been cut in half from the post-election high. SpaceX just lost a 22 billion dollar contract because of Elon's big mouth.
GINI cofficient for income inequality, ranks the US almost the same as Russia, within the same scope. Isn't it fascinating that an oligarch-rule with a sham democracy is as bad as Russia?
Elon Musk has halved his value me thinks
Mark my words…
The French Revolution showed us, what happens when the rich and "powerful" forget their place…
What will be the modern version of the Guillotine, I wonder 🤔
Trickle down.economics is Conservative/ Republican.fiscal policy .Liberalism.is put the money .in the hands of the people and the money will flow to everyone including the rich as people buy things…People shoud not pay a ny money into tbe businesses of these guys…
So what?
The bottom part is, well, defined as being on the bottom, with no wealth at all. Of course the rich have much more than the poor, no need to discuss.
And it is totally justified, unless they got their money in a crooked way, like the Pelosis and Sanders of this world.
See it positive: The American dream.
Land of the free. Laughable. RIP usa
This guys like the modern Portillo. Realised he was wrong
Most people have what the wealthiest people will never have.
Go work man… this could be one of the reasons you are in the bottom 50%
The debts of the USA started in 1976. These were charges made in the tax system. Work means paying. Elon Musk dit not work. Earned nothing but was payed by stock. That is the " AMERICAN DREAM" .
If that is true, then that is the one causing the economic woes. Wealth is in hands of not few, but three. Tax them, so that the wealth is distributed!
This is where destroying unions and cutting taxes on the rich to almost 0% gets us. Tax the rich! Pickety was exactly right
The answer is NOT stealing from the rich, but making the bottom folks more wealthy.
lol top 3, we dont even know the names of the top 3 ffs
our friend the mooch what a time to be alive
Still butt hurt your misses lost 1m for teaching afgan farmers what old furniture looks like?
I cannot believe that this guy, who is complaining about people who have generated their own wealth, used to be lauded as a top conservative
People really have no clue how net worth works. They think these billionaires have all of their money as liquid cash chilling in their bank accounts.
They have access to cash that you cannot imagine, no doubt, but if they just went arkund handing their wealth out to everyone on the street they would actually go broke quite quickly.
Not to mention it really wouldn’t do much at all in the long run.
And how many people do those 3 men employ?, how much tax do they pay?. Stewart and Campbells politics of envy is sickening. I would rather talk about failed tory politicians and illegal wars in Iraq.
two comuists talking ,full of shit
There should be maximum wages. There’s a minimum wage. It shouldn’t be legal to get that rich the money has to keep circulating
What wealth if they are keep on borrowing money. More like pretend play.
What are you supposed to do when they did it (almost, probably) 100% legally though? Tax the shit out of them just because they figured out how to sell (mostly, probably) worthwhile products and make money? Or does society need to change in some way without going to extremes in order to remedy these issues.
It is a hard topic, because money moves at the tune of people's necessities being solved. These guys have created structures that give services to billions of people world wide everyday. The wealth is not money, but assets and investments that give jobs to others and generate a higher capacity to produce to other human beings. At least Amazon and Facebook have literaly allowed people to become millionaires thanks to their platforms. There are challenges that must be solved, yes. Inheritance of material wealth has brought great challenges for many generatios, but this guys are one generation tycoons. Also, putting a tough limit to how much wealth a person can have is difficult, because determining when it is enough its a bruly topic. If you think about self indulgence, the mark is low, but if you think about global impact, there is no easy way to put a number to it.
What do you think? Have you thought about a number? Is this disparity caused due to technology shooting up the human capacity to generate value exponentially too fast?
A brilliant topic if someone whats to chat with me. Thank you very much for your attention :3.
The American tax code is certainly too light on the rich. However, the statement is misleading. When they say "richest", they are referring to net worth (assets – liabilities). The net worth of the bottom 50% is likely close to or in the negatives because of all the debt people accumulate. If it was based purely on liquid wealth or yearly earnings then it would be a different story.
Don't worry guys, their wealth will start "trickle down" any moment now
what's your point?
That’s misleading.
A huge chunk of that 50% have no money , live pay check to pay check, have no assets, they rent.
Or they are in debt, meaning they have a negative value of wealth.
If you have 1k in savings, technically, you will have more wealth then a sizeable percentage of the USA population.